Using thoughts in the right way

Using thoughts in the right way

Using thoughts in the right way . It is not strange that when we hear or are in an event that makes you feel unhappy and then we show resistance. Whether with facial expressions, gesture or speech. But did you notice that every problem, from small matters to big issues. Whether in the family, about the workplace or even the problems that we see in the news today. May be caused by unnecessary violence or lack of consciousness from speaking or doing something just to respond.

Using thoughts in the right way

Have you ever heard Gandhi’s teachings that

“Beware of ideas because thoughts become words

Be careful with what you say, as it will become action.

Beware of actions because actions become habits

Be careful of habits because they become personalities.

Beware of personality Because the personality will become fate. “

Using thoughts in the right way

All of this said it all starts with an idea. Everyone knows they have to think well before deciding to speak or start doing something. Of course, no one wants to regret it later. And what to do in order to be aware of ideas? How to Using thoughts in the right way ? We want you to think of at least 2 of these 5 aspects when you are in an inevitable situation when a conflict arises.

Try telling yourself this.

1. What you say and do indicates your personality.

If someone says something bad or does something bad to you, then that is an indication of who you are. Because you can’t force everyone to be good to you. But you can do your part well by practicing and improving yourself. Dedicate to work create value for yourself every day.

2. Your time is precious don’t undermine negative attitudes or bad words.

Attaching to resentment will only cause your thoughts to sink. The past is what has happened. Learning to let go of nonsense matters. Don’t live with suffering for so long that you forget that life must continue.

3. The never ending argument as long as their purpose was not to find a solution in the first place.

So instead of finding a weakness to hammer back and forth Turn to find the perfect point to end the problem. In addition to being good for you, it will also help eliminate other problems that will follow.

4. Look at the problem at a wide angle

Not just you who encounter bad things, each person has many problems to deal with. Some people can handle difficult problems because they understand the root cause of the problem. Acknowledging the opposite view of each other and trying to face each other many times. The messages that are not match are causing misunderstandings. Therefore, communicating frankly base on that reasoning, it is a simple, effective method.

5. Do not let the emotions for a short while causing you to regret it forever.

Words cannot be withdrawn. Action is the same. You can’t go back and edit past stories. The best way is to do the best. Stop using your emotions and turn to your thoughts first.

In every event you always have an option and you are able to respond wisely to avoid violence. Using thoughts in the right way . We just want you to be aware of yourself. Think carefully before deciding to say or do anything. You can learn mistakes from others. In order to improve and avoid problems that may occur as a consequence and move on.

Credit : GCLUB